George W. Banks Scholarship Fundraiser

The Banks, Gregory, and Powell family is a very blessed family! It is through the prayers and faith of our forefathers and parents why our family has persevered and prospered throughout many generations. We have seen spiritual, educational, and financial growth even through slavery and the Jim Crow era; and many of us are present-day success stories.  We know the meaning of family by remaining together, even at times when we do not see eye to eye, and we step up and celebrate the achievements of one another. It is through our prayers and steadfast faith that we have maintained our morals and values as a close-knit family that prays and stays together.

To build upon our many blessings and faithfulness, I am asking you to make a donation to the George W. Banks Scholarship. The goal is $5,000.00 and your contribution will go towards the 2019 scholarship awardees. It is imperative for us to not only nurture our children; it is also our responsibility to ensure that they are equipped for success. We have the strength in numbers and your contribution can make the difference in accomplishing this goal. Please give today! If you have any questions, please contact Alan D. Benson at [email protected] or 502-767-6878. Let us all continue the legacy by empowering and supporting our children today!

Our children = Our destiny

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